Thursday, August 15, 2013

The Eye of God watches..

As I continue my inner work with my Throat dreams become more and more I drift off to sleep meditating on my throat..the Vishuddhi chakra.. my dreams become my guides..the bridge between the physical and the astral..the conscious and the superconscious..The Vishuddhi Chakra is the seat of the astral dream states the astral body leaves the physical body from the Vishuddhi..

A few days dream showed me the most beautiful stellar sight that I could ever imagine..The night sky..A most beautiful blob of blue surrounded by a ring of white and orange..In the centre of the blue is a white sparkling star..And it pulsates and radiates streaks of the most wonderful energies in all directions..It looks like a huge eye..very very spectacular..mind blowing..

The image then recedes and it is replaced by a huge blue celestial body.. It is glowing with a shade of Sapphire Blue and this color was all around it like a blazing aura..Our very own her most resplendent glory..Somewhere behind the huge ball of Earth I can still see the Eye receding..They juxtaposition for a few moments and then it is the Earth all over..I can see the continents..India comes into my vision quickly..Covered with a haze..clouds perhaps..the continents roll by and then the vision takes me under the depths of the Antarctic Ocean..underwater vision..I am stunned at the magnificence of it all..Gaia’s abundance..her glory..and the unity..the oneness of it all.. 


Later I search on the net..and discover that the Eye which I saw is Hubble’s view of the Helix Nebula..I had never heard of it earlier.. Wikipedia describes the Helix Nebula "as a large planetary nebula located in the constellation Aquarius. This nebula is one of the closest to the Earth of all the bright planetary nebulae. The estimated distance is about 700 light-years. The Helix has often been referred to as the "Eye of God" since about 2003."

One channelled message says about the the Eye.. "Enjoy this cosmic representation of the Omnipresent being who many call God. But notice that the eye watches you with kindness, warmth and love, not with coldness, cruelty or judgement. Fear not the scrutiny of God, but rejoice in the perpetual presence!"

Another source says “The outer orange ring of the Eye represents the energy of the astral world. The large blue center represents the causal world, also known as Christ Consciousness, or Kutastha Chaitanya (the Sanskrit word kutastha means “that which remains unchanged”; chaitanya means “consciousness.”) The white star represents the Infinite Cosmic God Consciousnes . The goal of meditation is to enter the white star and commune in bliss with the Infinite.."

Well..Helix Nebula is the remnant of a supernova that exploded aeons ago..This star exploded in a self-less act of love so that, from it, more stars and planets and life could form...The fact we can see this from Earth means that some atoms from the explosion are probably in every single one of us… We are sentient star dust…

And Mother Earth.. I wasn't sure if this is what she looks like right now, or if it was being shown to me as what is coming, but I am very grateful I was shown at all -SO BEAUTIFUL!!! This may have been given to me since I've been thinking so much about the Universe,our sun, the big Galactic sun,,Ascension,and most of all the Aquarian Golden age of Gaia..

And the most magnificent blues..Colour of the Throat Chakra as well..Blue is the energy of pacification, self protection, tenderness, and of loyalty.. It represents contentment and reunion with the Earth..Blue is healing..cooling, takes away pain..for me it has..and has also reinforced my spirit to expand myself to connect to my life purpose.

Love Light and Gratitude 

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