Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Year..New Self..

The last morning of 2013…The countdown begins of the last hours of a year that has been trying and challenging..I am awake.. still and silent in bed waiting for the day to dawn..Silently I connect to my Higher self..I call upon all those aspects..those fragments of myself..that seem to be lost somewhere..I command them..to return and reclaim..I wonder about my origins..my family..before I took this embodiment..my physical vehicle..and how strongly I desire to return to where I belong..

Strange energies are pressing on me..The other night a voice.. was trying to tell me who I really was..whispering strange names..Playing beautiful shlokas in my ears..Another time animals giving me strange messages..Not that I could really decipher everything..What was to happen now ??

Suddenly my body jerks..I realize it is stationary but something is getting pulled out of it sideways..I am being pulled out..laterally..and then..with a gentle swish..I am out..and I am journeying..Now I am sinking..slowly..down and down..I suddenly realize I am underwater..and I can feel the bubbles. the sinking is calm and peaceful..very relaxing..I must have covered some depths..when suddenly I feel as if my legs have been folded..and I am getting propelled upwards..

I shoot upwards like a torpedo and out of the water. And up I go like a rocket..once again I travel some distance and then I am made to float..face upwards..A beautiful night sky looks down upon me..millions of stars and celestial bodies..its exhilarating..and I move gently forwards..as I travel gently..I pass a portal in the sky..there is gate..its shaped like a Chakra..a wheel..I count the spokes..7 exactly..I want to enter..but its not for me..I am only to relax and admire the celestial beauties above me..And then when it is over..I find that I have descended..I am on the bank of a lake and from there I am back..to where I was..in my bed..Slightly light headed but delighted with my underwater and cosmic adventures.

I realize I am multidimensional..A dancing configuration of energy..
I exist simultaneously outside time and space..
I can exist without limitation..
I can expand my inner world to encompass the Universe and beyond..
I am a Creative being..A Master of my own energies..
I perform my own miracles every day...♥♥

Love and light..And a New beginning to all..