Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Shift..Navigating Through..With Dreams..

“Many of you feel drained and tired. This is due to the fact that you had an active sleep, and were not actually asleep. You are doing much work while in your dream state…

The result of your work during your dreams will soon manifest into your reality…Have the most beautiful and limitless dreams. From now on..much more will be possible.”

( A Channelled Source- November 2012)

 Yes indeed..Apparently a lot of work is going on in many of us in our dream states..The subconscious mind is the key to a lot of mysteries locked inside us..it is also the door..The gateway to the higher dimension..the portal to the past, present and future as also all parallel realities..
Multidimensional travel is becoming more and more possible..Our dreams are making it happen..its never been that easy before..Through dreams we are now receiving strong Energy downloads..Energetic signatures..from the higher vibratory dimensions..Through dreams we are now increasingly accessing the codes and keys..codes for navigating through the Energy influx..they are also showing..more and more.. to many of us glimpses of what is to come in the New Age..

 Here are some of my dream downloads over the last two months…Deciphering the information from these downloads is a task..mostly it is cryptic..rarely point blank..listening to one’s intuitions is important as also setting the intent to welcome these pieces of information..I must say I am grateful..To some extent I am able to unlock the doors of these energy downloads…
·       I am at the finishing line of a marathon..The race is difficult.. practically a do or die situation..Many are dropping..dead tired..not able to make it..My job is to pull the people through the finishing line..I am trying to take as many people across..people are just flowing in nonstop..

Is this the click moment before Ascension ? The final lift off ?? Do I see a role there?

·       There is rain..continuous downpour for days..It is flooding..Its like a tsunami..big columns of water are rising..I am standing...I see a huge wave coming..My last thoughts..I want to experience how it is to leave the physical body..There is excitement but no fear..

Signs of the Great Energy Influx? The Inner Tsunami…The turmoil..The Shakeup..Are we prepared ??

·       A  night sky..Starstudded..Spectacular..Shining celestial objects..shimmering planets dot the sky..There are two moons..a stunning Full moon and a graceful New Moon..both spaced apart..smoky bird like creatures..pure white..fly across the sky..Exquisite !!

A glimpse of the 5th Dimensional Earth ?? The Terra Nova ?? Very recently I came across a channelling from Archangel Michael who reveals that the New Earth will be having two moons..

·       My body has become light and I seemed to have mastered the ability to fly...Not the high long flights of birds..But the short low ones..I demonstrate my newly learnt ability to a group of people..They watch in amazement..

Newly developed ability of the ascended evolved bodies ? Activation of the light bodies ?? The change from the dense carbon body to a light crystalline body??

·       Three beautiful women..Arabic..Black robes..Shining glowing faces..Radiating abundance..Sheer abundance..They are talking..Arabic/Urdu/Hindi..Some of us are listening..I understand..Nobody else does..I am wondering..Why is no one else able to understand them? As I look at the most radiant one of them all, her face changes..From Arabic to Indian..A Goddess..A big red bindi..vermilion in her hair..Durga she is..and she smiles..

The Three Shaktis ? The Three Marys ?? The Triple Goddess ?? The Return of the Divine Feminine ?? I’m blessed..

·       A Mass gathering..Huge..Huge..millions..as if the planet has converged in one place..they are listening..There is a woman..White robes..Ethereal..Stunningly beautiful..Angelic..She floats..she is addressing the gathering..I suddenly find myself placed in the gathering..I look around..it is packed..The crowd is young..and they listen with rapt attention...

A Galactic high dimensional Being ? A Disclosure is happening?? What is it ??

·       A massive Sun..Its a gigantic orb in the sky..I don’t have to look up to see it..Its right there..absolutely close..straight in the line of vision..Its not glaring..the light is not at all harsh..Its a glowing Sun..Very warm..very divine..

The Great Central Sun ? The Sun in the Fifth Dimension ?? The Source ??

·       An aerial view..A swirling ocean..Water..water..and water..And right there in the midst of it all..a huge crystal structure..emitting a wonderful light..The top of the structure is like a shining crystal ball..very very luminous..And waters swirl all around…

An emerging City of Light ? Crystals anchoring the high dimensional energies ?? The Portal to another world..dimension..civilization..

·       A door is opened for me..I am being ushered into a sacred site..There is a room full of light..tables run across the centre of the room..and on them are sacred artifacts…Pindis..and other colourful exotic objects..I walk alongside the tables..A woman who is on the other side of the table stops me..she slips a ring into my finger..its a green ring..made of small green beads..she is talking..words come telepathically into my mind..Outstanding Social service..she says..Strength in Personal Life..The message comes straight across..

Green..the colour of the heart..love..healing and growth..Ring..a bond..a covenant..A gift of love and healing from a Sacred Sister..Gratitude!!

·       Being ushered into a room..Full of beds..the heads of the bed have small CT scan like instruments attached..but there is no one there..Then I am taken into another room..There are beds once again..with each is attached a video monitor..I get into one of these beds and the monitor switches on as if by remote control..A face and a voice..He identifies himself as an Ascended Master..the first name is with a K..strange sounding and the last name is a Singh..And he is talking to me..

There is another room..there is wet blanket on the floor..the texture of a body wrap/body pack in a spa..I get inside it..It covers me completely..head to toe..I lie there for sometime..it is doing something to my body..Don’t know what..

The Healing Chambers ?The Healing Technologies of the New age ? Aura Scanning ? Healing of the Energy Bodies ? I search on the net for my Ascended Master and there he is..Kuthumi Singh..with all his wonderful channellings..

Co-creating my Realities..
With my Dreams..
Love and Light..

Monday, October 22, 2012

The New Earth..Creating my realities...

The New Earth..The Light House..The Grids and Energy Portals under activation..The New Energies..Emerald Green & Sapphire Blues..Vortices of iridiscent blues streaming out..Inner lights getting brighter and brighter..Gaia is on her way up..She is a magnificence..The New Earth..Here she comes...From 3D to 5D..From the physical plane to the Mental plane..

The old paradigms are falling..The new ones being put in place..And before the new ones are fully activated..here is how I place my reality in the new paradigm..

I am a powerful being of love and light..I am a light holder and a light worker..I am a Godspark..I meditate..I am a fully open, pure and clear channel of the Light..I serve the Light..

My temporary physical vessel..the 3D carbon body has ascended..It is now a light body..its crystalline..its no longer old wrinkled and awkward..its beautiful..its how I want it to be..young and flawless..

I create my reality..with my thoughts..I can materialize..I can dematerialize..I am unlimited..infinite..I reclaim all that is truly mine..I transcend all barriers of time and space..I jump through dimensions..I exist simultaneously in more than one bandwidth..An awakening I have eternally waited for..

Its a beautiful exciting world out there..An immaculate flawless creation of the Divine..To be explored..To be enjoyed..Money is no longer a concern..You do what you love to do..I play with nature..I heal..I teach..I experiment with energies..I hold hands with my loved ones..

I live in the greens..Trees..flowers..fruits..lakes..rivers..mountains..
Their colors..hues..sights..smells..sounds..never experienced before..Peace.. abundance.. happiness..exuberance abound..And my animal companions..The tiger and the wolf..Its a happy communion..We coexist..I love them all..

I have met my Twin..my other half..that part of me which split from me when I was created..my spiritual partner..he is back..he carries with him lifetimes of his own experiences..there is an instantaneous recognition..a divine union..our experiences merge..we are whole.. we go on a sojourn..a long heavenly sojourn..its bliss..sheer bliss..

I can see my Masters..my Guides..angels..and all other higher beings of light..They are my teachers..they teach me to work with the light..I learn more and more..Their messages flow smoothly..I grasp it all..Effortlessly..telepathically..no more struggles..no more barriers.. to the divine communication..Only love and gratitude..

All 3D karma is dropped..My past lives come streaming back to me..I see the larger picture..I see my loved ones and the not so loved ones..I see the roles that they had to play..The lessons that they had to teach me..And now I love them all..Divine..spiritual unconditional love..

I see my Sangha..my community..all the like minded ones..we resonate with the same vibrations..We are one..we mirror..we radiate each others lights..we create more and more light..that of the Unity Consciousness..

It is the hand of God which guides me now..I know I am loved passionately and unconditionally..I walk with a lovely sparkle in my eye and the grace of a Master..I continue to be an adventurer..An experiencer..a part of the Grand Plan..

And the divine unfolding continues...

Love and light..


Sunday, September 23, 2012

Tejaswini...The Circle of Light...


Tejaswini..The Circle of Light..A Free Meditation and Healing Meetup Group in Hyderabad..
Tejaswini...meaning emitting and radiating light..
Tejaswini...a Spiritual centre...for connecting to the inner light...the inner flame..Being a light unto yourself...Letting your light shine..
 Welcome to Tejaswini...a free Community...of Light..Love and Healing.. Free Group Meditations..Healings..Free sharing of spiritual tools & techniques..Energy work..Spiritual discussions..and much more..


Join us for a Free Group Guided Meditation Session..to discover, awaken and enhance your inner energies..to relax, rejuvenate and attune yourself with the real YOU..
On Sunday 30th September
11.00 a.m to 12.00 p.m
At 310 Manasarovar Heights 2



With Tejaswini...
 Love and light..
From Tejaswini...

Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Soul Agenda..What Next ???

"The Universe has evolved out of Nothing..to Everything..
From Chaos to Creation
From Creation to Destruction..and new Creation..
From Darkness to Light
All life has evolved through different forms..
From Simple to Complex
From Birth to Death..and Rebirth..
From Becoming to Being One"
(Words from a Poster Presentation in the PLRC2)
Night of 9th August 2012..My son and me..Both see similar dreams..Our souls decide to take us on our evolutionary journeys..An amazing metamorphosis..from one life form to another..Biological progression along with clear awareness of expansion of consciousness...Accessing our cellular memories..perhaps some kind of a neurogenetic memory..of our evolutionary histories..
More amazing was the phenomena of the common dream theme..2 persons..2 dreams..Almost similar !!! Makes it more than amply clear..that Consciousness is one..Energy is one..Universal Mind is one..Collective Consciousness is one..We are connected..We are one..And that is is possible to plug into the Universe Wide Energy Web..Anytime..Anyplace..By anyone..
My Dream..
I am a caterpillar like creature..Colourful..with lots of legs..the small body swerves as it manouvers its way with its innumerable tiny little legs..the caterpillar changes into a fish..a bright orange coloured creature with beautiful fins..it flashes left and right in the deep waters..And then the transition..from water to the land..I feel my consciousness struggle to get out..there is a click moment..like a torpedo moving vertically upwards to the surface of the water far above..either you make it and ascend to another life form or lose the big chance..finally the consciousness manages to spring out..and then a newborn baby girl..she laughs..intelligently..looks mature..yet she is a newborn..
My son's dream..
He is a worm..its caterpillar like..The caterpillar metamorphoses into a beautiful butterfly...The butterfly transforms into a graceful goldfish..And the gold fish changes into a white bird..looks like a sea gull..the bird sweeps brazenly across the blue skies...

 The Soul's evolution..From Life form to Life form..From Mineral to Plant..From Plant to Animal..From Animal to Human..As Human..Once again evolving..from lower chakra consciousness to the higher chakra awareness..from a polarized consciousness to awareness of a single unified consciousness-the Unity Consciousness..constantly evolving and learning..finally Integrating..Becoming one with the Source..

As a 26000 year old evolutionary programme comes to a critical stage now..What next ? The Soul's Agenda ? Its next click moment ? Its one in a thousand lifetime chance? The Planetary and Species Ascension? From Carbon to Crystalline? Activation of light bodies ? Head and Brain Rewiring? New Grid Systems?Activation of new DNA strands?Opening of new energy Portals?
Yes..Its happening..
The Planet is ready..Are you..???
Love and light...

Sunday, August 26, 2012

August Energies...There is a river....

 Schizophrenia..That is the word..The energies of August...split..indecisive..contradictory..in between.. a struggle to shed the past and embrace all that is coming..the juxtaposition of the old and the new..juggling between the 3D and 5D..the movement..very very forceful..

Volatile..intense..energies pushing over the edge..the push is to release..old stuff that clings from the past..the clearing is difficult..an overdrive of emotions..at times very
disturbing..yet no longer suppressed or disregarded..a deep desire to be alone..yet at the same time being pushed to align with a bigger family..new boundaries being set up..the dynamics become complex..

The Full moon..The Blue moon..Leo Sun..Solar flares..the Planetary shift..cosmic events for the month..as waves of new energies keep striking..ascension symptoms are on..dizziness..loss of balance..word loss..disorientation..emotional outbursts..fatigue..body ache..The energies of Emergence continue..with full fervour..

August..Energies are flowing like a river..swift..and fast..

"There is a river flowing very fast.
It is so great and fast
that there are those who will be afraid.
They will hold on to the shore.
They will feel that they are being torn apart,
and they will suffer greatly.

Know that the river has its destination.
The elders say that
we must let go of the shore,
push off into the middle of the river,
keep our eyes open,
and our heads above the water.
See who is in there with you
and celebrate."

(A Hopi Prophecy)

                                                         The Hopi Prophecy

The challenge..

Dropping the schizophrenia..
Dropping the split personality..
Dropping the divided mind..

Rising above the drama..

Yes..We are the ones we have been waiting for..

Love and light..

Friday, August 10, 2012

Tarot Wisdom

Welcome to Tarot Wisdom

Quick Insight into Your Life’s issues
 3 Questions: 15 Min Session

Take Control & Enhance
   Career/ Education
       Opportunities/Life Changes

On Sunday 19th August

10 a.m to 1.30 p.m

By appointment only
Pls register by 17th August



Tarot has been practised for centuries,since ancient Egypt or even before.In the Middle Ages the imagery of the tarot was used as a code in transmitting the teachings of the medieval mystery schools.Over time tarot has been used in various ways-as a tool for predicting the future...a way to gather unseen occult information about various events...etc

The Osho Zen Tarot focuses on gaining an understanding of the here and now. It is a system based on the wisdom of Zen, a wisdom that says events in the outer world simply reflect our own thoughts and feelings, even though we ourselves might be unclear about what those thoughts and feelings are. So it helps us to turn our attention away from outside events so we can find a new clarity of understanding about what is happening in our own innermost hearts.


The images on the cards are thoroughly contemporary; medieval symbols have been discarded and replaced with modern pictures that even the inexperienced user will be able to relate to. The conditions and states of mind portrayed by the cards are all shown as essentially transitional and transformative. The archetypal images tell us of a journey of self discovery that is unique to each individual while the core truths to be discovered are the same regardless of race, gender, religion etc

Obviously you can ask the tarot anything you like,although it is in fact a medium for exposing what you already know.Any card drawn in response to an issue is a direct reflection of what you are sometimes unable or unwilling to recognize at this time.The cards as they are selected become a receptacle into which you are pouring your energies.As you will experience,the images of the Osho Zen Tarot are alive.Their impact is undeniable for they speak in a language that our deeper selves recognize.They awaken understanding.They provoke clarity.The possibilities are limitless

(Excerpts from Osho Zen Tarot..The Transcedental Game of Zen..)

Love and light...

Sunday, July 22, 2012

July Energies-Towards Emergence

July..as it continues..so does the chaos..its like being in the birth canal..being squeezed..compressed..propelled..the contractions build up..dramatic changes in the body and the mind..being spiralled forward..the birth trauma continues..the energies prepare..for the Emergence..and the greater wholeness..that is yet to come...

The vibrations continue to rise..the higher frequencies actively searching..unearthing..regrounding.. creating deep shifts in my energy field...accessing the higher dimension frequency reality..becoming easier then ever before..

Inner visions of seas..skies..expanses of water..sometimes calm..sometimes swelling.. lights..colours..fumes..energy matrices..circles..zigzags..cobwebs..knots..spirals..arrows..geometrical shapes..the tubes of the Nadis..wheels of the Chakras..snakes popping in and out of the third eye..animals..unknown faces..and lots and lots of white light..

14th July..The Kriya Yoga routine..Yoni mudra..attention on the Kuthashta..an inner blankness descends..suddenly..the astral body gracefully swoops.. into a backward arch..an urdhva-dhanurasana..a feat simply impossible with the physical body..there is no connect with the physical..the physical and astral seem to have merged..or separated...the astral body convulses with a strange orgasm..energy waves sweeping the entire body into strong tremors and shakes..

The third eye opens..its as if the forehead has collapsed inward into a cavern of light..and then the flame appears..a huge candle flame..the Sacred Flame..the Pearl of Wisdom..it shimmers brightly and steadily..there is no sense of time...after an undefined period..the tremors stop..the astral body collapses back into the physical..flooding my whole energy field with a brilliant white light..I open my eyes..My body is warm..very warm..I search for signs..for all that has happened..but there are none..But an inexplicable peace descends on me..love..joy..bliss..Ananda..

The joy and bliss..Shortlived..The energies forever cleansing..clarifying..releasing..transforming..healing..as they scour and unearth..they disorient..they release or integrate aspects of the soul which may be be painful and very traumatic..

20th July..The Swadhisthana Chakra is on fire..Strange pain in the abdomen..Channelling Reiki to the Chakra..The Universal Compassionate Life Force Energy..Sending love and light to old wounds..subconscious issues..praying for them to surface and be released..And there is a flash in the third eye..

Africa..an old woman..bedridden..she cannot move..writhing in pain..tears are falling..poverty..misery..helplessness..her dying moments..she tries to reach out to her daughters..three of them...a picture of sorrow..penury..disgrace..debasement..degradation..her outstretched hand fails to touch her daughter..they sleep..and she falls..

21st July..I continue the healing process..I sense that more is to come..And there it was..America..A young girl with blue eyes..Thy shine like embers..They emit light..Her eyes beam out light to me..Like lasers..There is a school performance..Curtains going up and down..The show is on..Suddenly there is a shootout..a heavy one..they fall one after the other..its a massacre..macabre and deadly..death and trauma..yet..I know..I have integrated this lost aspect of my-self..reabsorbed her beautiful light into my being..the lights have merged..we are one..There is a Memorial Park out there now..Green..undulating..Maybe one day I will know who she was..

Processing these deep shifts in my energy field..I know that more is yet to come..I am ascending..Humanity is ascending..Mother Gaia is ascending..The Great Central Sun is calling..Love..light and Peace is descending..We are on our way..

Love and light...

Sunday, July 8, 2012

The Shift..The Preparation..

July....The Gateway to a  higher galactic consciousness..and light..light..more and more light..

Physical body changing..mental-emotional bodies shifting..heart expanding..perceptions changing..life spiralling..new highs and even newer lows..bursts of creativity..then inactivity..

Time accelerating..apparent chaos..disruption.. a feeling of being on the brink..Fear..insecurity..restlessness..confusion...sometime love..sometime pain..losing patience..energy dynamics in complete flux..

The journey is fast..as quick as the blink of an eye..vibrations surging in speedily..pulling out the gross..the dense..tuning in the finer..the lighter..3rd density to the 4th density..the transition is on..

What are we to do ???

Follow our hearts..Act with love..Watch with detachment..Be patient..Breathing in the energies..Breathing out our pains..Breathing in..Breathing out..deeply..calmly..Being with the Breath..Being with the light..

Healing..healing..more healing..Absorbing the cosmic vibrations..letting go the karmic factors..expelling situational debris..discarding the old...making way for the new..swirling in the diamond energies..grounding..centering..and releasing...

Being and Becoming a part of the shift..

Love and light..

Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Shift..The Signs..

The Energy Shift 2012..Mother Gaia is ascending..Moving to a higher dimension..high density to low density..grosser frequencies to the finer..heavier to lighter..negative to positive..She is on her way up..restoring the sacred geometry...reclaiming..what was truly hers..  

Humanity is shifting too..Entering a new paradigm..Discarding old energies..Moving to the new..to an ever-increasing experience of Light..harmony and love..and upheaval..as the Light cleans out whatever old ideas and wounds we hang onto...

Yes the transition is happening..Some of us may be aware..Some of us are not..while some are accepting and allowing the process..some are denying..resisting..brushing away..shutting it off..

The signs..they are coming..

March 2012..Third Eye experiences..Powerful Vision of the Great Central Sun..looming large before me..Other celestial bodies appear too..Supermoon like..possibly..heralding a powerful  transforming energy surge that I am to experience...

April 2012..A life like vision..of Hanuman..the first Soorya yogi..the originator of Praanayama..the Gyaan Guna Sagar..the Mind principle..totally surrendered to the divine will..he flies from the sun..wielding his Gada and a Parashu..he approaches..he greets..booming in Sanskrit..and he blesses..Mind blowing energies..Divine Love..I'm overwhelmed..I struggle..to reconnect to the physical reality..

May 2012..A cherub..a baby angel..red haze around him..a new born..he speaks to me..accented English..about fruit..fruit of the future..Karmic fruit? Start eating now..After July..Fruit..only Fruit..he says..I'm dazed..Physical time and vibration are already picking up incredible velocity..Uncanny feeling..that hardly any time is left..

June 2012..Major conjunction  and physical expression of the shift..Energies surround me..Unseen but loving..they even touch me..high dimensional energy is being beamed..a quantum galactic gateway seems to have opened..I experience..I receive..I accept..My physical..and emotional bodies work..to integrate these light encoded frequencies..My head..my throat..my heart..my abdomen..adjusting..integrating..resetting...Like a long distance attunement..a multidimensional templating within the physical plane..


I am not alone..Many more of us today..experiencing these energies..the diamond vibrations..Celestial events in the last few months..Eclipses..Transits..Solstice..accentuating the flow of these energies..to the planet..

Has a critical mass been chosen to receive and transmit these high frequencies in the physical plane?? Is a new DNA activation..an energy blueprint configuration under process?? What next??

Will this new multi-dimensional templating..be transferred through the planetary Crystalline Grid.. to the higher consciousness of entire humanity??Will this lead to Mass Ascension and a highly accelerated shift of consciousness??

I don't know..I have to wait..for more absorption..more assimilation..and further guidance..But I'm glad I have been chosen..I guess I am a volunteer..Part of my soul contract..I'm happy I have chosen to be in the physical plane during the transition..Grateful to my Guides..the Ascended Masters..the Light workers..the Unseen..Untouchable beings..walking through the Planet.. all my fellow Starseeds..Rainbow..Crystal..Indigo beings and all Planetary Light Servers..who work incessantly for the Great Mission..

Love and light...Be a part of the Shift...

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Spiritual Orbs..We are not alone...

Orbs..Spherical lights..balls of energy..globules of light..not visible to the naked eye..sometimes captured on digital cameras or film..

Photographic Orbs..is it dust..insects..moisture..environmental debris..contaminants..lens flare..photographic error ??What else ????

Ruling out above naturally occurring possibilities what else can we zero on ??

Spiritual Orbs..A Spirit emanation ?? Electrostatic energy either being part of or an entire spirit entity ?? Astral beings ?? Earth bound entities ?? Opaque..almost 3 dimensional..pulsating..sometimes glowing..sometimes colourful.. mostly appearing in high energy zones..

The Great Orbs debate..Dust vs Spirit..goes on..

Loving to believe..We are not alone..there are angels..spirits..guides..entities..on our shoulders..the energy formations best captured as balls of light by our digitals..as technology progresses..more is sure to come.. 

Here are some of my favourite orbs..from my digital camera..Zoomed in..heat mapped..Intelligence..Energy frequency from an alternate reality..Blue-Green-Purple orbs..calming energies..spiritual guides..Red-Orange..Protector entities..Black-Brown..negative entities..White-silver..Positive..protector entities

    Entrance of Vaishno devi-Multitude of bluish-purplish orbs..

Candle Meditation in Office-A solid blue orb

At Tejaswini..Just before a group PLR..2 orbs with solid circumference

Neel's angels..

Singapore skyline..No..its not the moon above...

 Orbs at home..Diwali night..an interesting one near the door...

(A)An orb moves..Right now in the top centre..Let your Light Shine session..in office..

(B) Above the almirah

(C) Right hand corner

Kuala Lumpur..A blue one above my head..zoom it and it looks like its swirling..

Love and light..We are not alone..