Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Soul Talk

I know this life is short..but the journey of this embodied soul is long..very very long....
I  once existed as part of the unmanifest..the Para salt exists in the ocean..until..I chose to separate..separate from..the Sukshma-iti-Sukshma, the subtlest of the subtle-the Divine Consciousness...And thus began the cycle of my Karma, birth and death-my perpetual wandering into the Samsara-the Wheel of Existence.
Each lifetime..accumulating Karma..desires..Vaasnas..cravings of the self grasping mind...Having lived through all experiences... discarding my body...going real home.. There making a detailed life review..healing..resting...meeting my loved ones..making pre-birth choices..working out soul contracts.. whom to meet..what roles to play..who will play enemy and who will play friend..what lessons to learn..what karma to work out..Designing and choosing the entire blueprint of my next life..with complete wisdom.. awareness and planning flawless and perfect..the Masters guide me on...Bliss and love abounds...
Then the time comes.. I am pulled the womb I have chosen..our vibrations match...I'm blissful inside..Floating.. Still connected to the energies of my real home..I go in and out..I'm clairvoyant still..perceiving everything..
And then the trauma begins.. My body is pushed cord cut..gasping and crying...This is the beginning...I start anew...My memories all gone..hidden as Sanskars in some corner of my aura..My awareness..the bliss..the  higher vibrations longer available..The lessons begin..Hard work.. Struggle..Destiny steps in.. My Prarabdha ripens..Soul connections surface..Synchronistic encounters happen..The drama unfolds..
Some Karma paid off..much more accumulated..The Chitta is not awakened..Shadowed by blurs my logic to the mind... fetters it with Vrittis..Past life Sanskars pop up..My body battles diseases, negativities, pain and ignorance.. darkness...and limitations...
The endless journey goes on life after life..Do I see hope ahead ? Yes,I do..My own light shines..I am the eternal witness..I am the observer..I am pure consciousness...The body only experiences..the mind only thinks..As long as both are connected to me..We break all Sanskars..We assimilate all lessons as we go along..We evolve..We transform..We dissolve all old Karma..We do not build up new Aagamya..We finish our lessons in the earth school with ease..The real journey is the journey inside me...Follow me and you will be going home...To the unmanifest..To the Source from whom you once separated...

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Who am I and what is my purpose?

I know for sure..I am not body,not mind,not emotion..I am a pure Pranic frequency..pulsating,throbbing,intense..pure Consciousness..the all pervading all knowing,unlimited wise soul..I have seen the light of my soul..the Nachiket Agni in my Anahata centre..3 flames intricately connected..glowing red..Beautiful..I would have loved to see it as a big golden luminosity..My Vrittis and the mountain of my Sanchit Karma..and the sheath of my logic mind-my Maanas may at times dim the view of this beauty..but I know it is an eternal Shakti eternal witness and observer..leaving and coming...again and again..Combining with the Panchmahabhutas it now resides in my present body as per its choice body and my mind is only an instrument...for experiencing and thinking and learning the lessons this wise soul is trying to learn..The lessons of this life are strict... it is all about giving and spreading unconditional love and healing...being patient and fearless..trusting and surrendering to the higher energies..I know time is short...I cannot afford to waste any precious current moments..the soul seeks to evolve fast..and will do that when the time comes to leave..and the soul makes a life knows that it has integrated its lessons is a life fulfilled..there are no Sanskars and no pain from this life carried forward..the soul's future choices and its further journey becomes easier...
After all yeh Zindagi phir naa milegi dubaara..Living my current moments to the and going with the flow..patiently and complete mindfulness..