Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Shift..The Signs..

The Energy Shift 2012..Mother Gaia is ascending..Moving to a higher dimension..high density to low density..grosser frequencies to the finer..heavier to lighter..negative to positive..She is on her way up..restoring the sacred geometry...reclaiming..what was truly hers..  

Humanity is shifting too..Entering a new paradigm..Discarding old energies..Moving to the an ever-increasing experience of Light..harmony and love..and the Light cleans out whatever old ideas and wounds we hang onto...

Yes the transition is happening..Some of us may be aware..Some of us are not..while some are accepting and allowing the process..some are denying..resisting..brushing away..shutting it off..

The signs..they are coming..

March 2012..Third Eye experiences..Powerful Vision of the Great Central Sun..looming large before me..Other celestial bodies appear too..Supermoon like..possibly..heralding a powerful  transforming energy surge that I am to experience...

April 2012..A life like vision..of Hanuman..the first Soorya yogi..the originator of Praanayama..the Gyaan Guna Sagar..the Mind principle..totally surrendered to the divine will..he flies from the sun..wielding his Gada and a Parashu..he approaches..he greets..booming in Sanskrit..and he blesses..Mind blowing energies..Divine Love..I'm overwhelmed..I reconnect to the physical reality..

May 2012..A cherub..a baby haze around him..a new born..he speaks to me..accented English..about fruit..fruit of the future..Karmic fruit? Start eating now..After July..Fruit..only Fruit..he says..I'm dazed..Physical time and vibration are already picking up incredible velocity..Uncanny feeling..that hardly any time is left..

June 2012..Major conjunction  and physical expression of the shift..Energies surround me..Unseen but loving..they even touch me..high dimensional energy is being beamed..a quantum galactic gateway seems to have opened..I experience..I receive..I accept..My physical..and emotional bodies integrate these light encoded frequencies..My abdomen..adjusting..integrating..resetting...Like a long distance attunement..a multidimensional templating within the physical plane..


I am not alone..Many more of us today..experiencing these energies..the diamond vibrations..Celestial events in the last few months..Eclipses..Transits..Solstice..accentuating the flow of these the planet..

Has a critical mass been chosen to receive and transmit these high frequencies in the physical plane?? Is a new DNA energy blueprint configuration under process?? What next??

Will this new multi-dimensional transferred through the planetary Crystalline Grid.. to the higher consciousness of entire humanity??Will this lead to Mass Ascension and a highly accelerated shift of consciousness??

I don't know..I have to wait..for more absorption..more assimilation..and further guidance..But I'm glad I have been chosen..I guess I am a volunteer..Part of my soul contract..I'm happy I have chosen to be in the physical plane during the transition..Grateful to my Guides..the Ascended Masters..the Light workers..the Unseen..Untouchable beings..walking through the Planet.. all my fellow Starseeds..Rainbow..Crystal..Indigo beings and all Planetary Light Servers..who work incessantly for the Great Mission..

Love and light...Be a part of the Shift...