Monday, October 22, 2012

The New Earth..Creating my realities...

The New Earth..The Light House..The Grids and Energy Portals under activation..The New Energies..Emerald Green & Sapphire Blues..Vortices of iridiscent blues streaming out..Inner lights getting brighter and brighter..Gaia is on her way up..She is a magnificence..The New Earth..Here she comes...From 3D to 5D..From the physical plane to the Mental plane..

The old paradigms are falling..The new ones being put in place..And before the new ones are fully is how I place my reality in the new paradigm..

I am a powerful being of love and light..I am a light holder and a light worker..I am a Godspark..I meditate..I am a fully open, pure and clear channel of the Light..I serve the Light..

My temporary physical vessel..the 3D carbon body has ascended..It is now a light body..its crystalline..its no longer old wrinkled and awkward..its beautiful..its how I want it to be..young and flawless..

I create my reality..with my thoughts..I can materialize..I can dematerialize..I am unlimited..infinite..I reclaim all that is truly mine..I transcend all barriers of time and space..I jump through dimensions..I exist simultaneously in more than one bandwidth..An awakening I have eternally waited for..

Its a beautiful exciting world out there..An immaculate flawless creation of the Divine..To be explored..To be enjoyed..Money is no longer a concern..You do what you love to do..I play with nature..I heal..I teach..I experiment with energies..I hold hands with my loved ones..

I live in the
Their colors..hues..sights..smells..sounds..never experienced before..Peace.. abundance.. happiness..exuberance abound..And my animal companions..The tiger and the wolf..Its a happy communion..We coexist..I love them all..

I have met my other half..that part of me which split from me when I was spiritual partner..he is back..he carries with him lifetimes of his own experiences..there is an instantaneous recognition..a divine union..our experiences merge..we are whole.. we go on a sojourn..a long heavenly sojourn..its bliss..sheer bliss..

I can see my Guides..angels..and all other higher beings of light..They are my teachers..they teach me to work with the light..I learn more and more..Their messages flow smoothly..I grasp it more more barriers.. to the divine communication..Only love and gratitude..

All 3D karma is dropped..My past lives come streaming back to me..I see the larger picture..I see my loved ones and the not so loved ones..I see the roles that they had to play..The lessons that they had to teach me..And now I love them all..Divine..spiritual unconditional love..

I see my community..all the like minded ones..we resonate with the same vibrations..We are one..we mirror..we radiate each others lights..we create more and more light..that of the Unity Consciousness..

It is the hand of God which guides me now..I know I am loved passionately and unconditionally..I walk with a lovely sparkle in my eye and the grace of a Master..I continue to be an adventurer..An experiencer..a part of the Grand Plan..

And the divine unfolding continues...

Love and light..