Sunday, April 29, 2012

The New Earth Energies..Align and Ascend...

January 1, phase of an ongoing galactic event..raising of vibrations..lighter energies..activation of Light bodies..disintegration of 3D world..DNA reactivation..spiritual awakening..expansion of consciousness..ascension of humanity on Planet Earth..

Ascension..pulling out of dense negative energies..merging of matter with gamma rays of light..creation of pure high vibrational energy..

Symptoms of Ascension..headaches..changing sleep patterns..congestion in the heart chakra..old issues resurfacing..increased sensitivity..memory loss..emotional roller coaster..weight surges..depression..anxiety..

How do we make to cope with the inner and outer to go through the to synchronize with the rising vibrations of the to go ahead trusting the process and our own to ease the process of our own rebirth???

The answer is one and only one..healing..healing..more healing..healing of the physical..the mental..emotional..and spiritual..the highest of the highest healing light is now never help the process..Cleansing of all the energy bodies..the deeper energy layers..the body..mind..and soul..

                                               Reiki Healing at Tejaswini

Light workers..Masters..Guides..Helpers..both in the physical and nonphysical..are waiting to assist..We simply have to understand..realize..reach out..and trust..

                                                              Chakra Work age practices..healing technologies..freely available..easy to adopt..and practice..Yoga..Meditation..Kriyas..Pranayama..Chakra
work..Reiki..Past Life Regression..


At Tejaswini..we explore..embrace..and practise all..holistic methods for healing and ascension integration..


Come..Let us let go of the past..let us choose expansion..let us move through fear..let us recognize the gifts of ascension..Let us connect and support others who are ascending..let us resolve the chaos..let us fill the void..let us be a new YOU..


Come..let us connect and align with the new earth's energies..let us shed or transmute all that is not required for our life's purpose..Let us be a part of the community of ascended beings..

                                                        Past Life Regression


Love and light..

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Synchrodestiny..The Coming Together...

Synchronicities.. Encountering meaningful coincidences in life..Signs..Omens..Uncanny revelations..Intuitions..Leaps of consciousness..Experiences of the miraculous..

Synchrodestiny..Coincidences..Signals from the universe..unfolding..revealing..connecting..with all the possibilities that unison..completing the jigsaw..deciphering the hieroglyphs..

"With Synchronicity, all the resources we need are made available to us at the precise moment that is appropriate. The people who come into our lives are the ones we need at that moment in time. Everything is perfect. We only need to recognise this to tune into the flow. Everything happens for a Reason and Every Experience is a Learning Experience"

1989..Allahabad..The college..glint in the eyes..little windows of the soul..the spark of recognition..energies get going..

New Year..1992...College degree..Separate paths..Separate cities..Walking away with memories..reminiscences..a hint of pain.. an occasional looking back..but moving forward..

25th September 1992..Allahabad..They meet again..He has a  new job offer..She has one too..What and Where ? Same place..same city..same time..

12th October 1992..Delhi..Reporting together..New freedom..New friends..New excitement..New life..

December 1992..Transfers..Postings..Marching orders..Same destination..Same time..Setting off..Together..Destiny pulls..

1993..1994..Kolkata..The Coming together..Sharing..
Understanding..Exchanging..Going with the flow..Harmoniously..
Perhaps there is an awareness..Subconscious..Subliminal..of the
Plan..of the Contract..of Pre-birth choices..Cellular memories are triggered..Mind and emotions collude with the universe..Signs keep coming..They point to the Red Thread..the Karmic has to be picked up from where it was left..

7th April 1995..Allahabad..The honoring of the Soul Contract..Cementing of the Karmic bond..

 1996...2005..Kolkata..The Energies step back..The Signs recede..The real learning
..smiles..tears..celebrations..adversities..painful separations..happy reunions..creating..nurturing..evolving..growing..experiencing..
life in all its shades and hues..learning..learning..rapid learning..

Enlarging..Advancing..Solidifying..New triggers..
New challenges..New responsibilities..New energies..New signs..New understandings..New Lessons..New learnings..

The Karmic journey continues..
Awareness..Forgiveness and Letting go..
Of hurt..pain..betrayals..insensitivities..disappointments..
Unconditional love..loving..without any expectation..without any demand..without condition..
And Gratitude..for all that was..that is..and all that will be..

Love and light ..