Monday, July 29, 2013

The Truth of the Vayuputra...

For the past few days I have been intuitively guided to work on my throat chakra..the Vishuddhi..Chanting..Kundalini Yoga Kriyas..Reiki..Meditation..Integrating all  

The Throat is the seat of one's personal T
ruth..inner will.. expression..this is where the process of manifestation begins..this is where all seed of inspiration exists..

As my inner work my utter surprise I find myself connecting to the energies of Hanuman..our mythical Superman.. the perfect man.. the gnana guna sagara ..the Vayuputra..our very own flying man (va+nara)…


I am not exactly a devotee and his appearance surprises me..Last time when he appeared he came flying..golden..from the sun..wielding his Gada and a Parashu..he approached..he greeted..booming in Sanskrit..Prana Pratishtha is what he talks about..this third eye experience left me absolutely awestruck..

This time as I meditate on my throat.. he is blue..the colour of my throat chakra..a blue face appearing amidst white clouds and a calm blue sky...My dreams turning more lucid then ever before..the Vishuddhi further takes me on to the realm of the mysterious and miraculous..a lady in my dreams is encouraging me to sing..I try to shirk..but she is encouraging..she tells me she has something perfect for me..and there it now plays in the background..the Hanuman Chalisa..Jai Kapis Tihu Lok Ujagar..I hear it clearly..Overwhelming..

I look into the symbolism of Hanuman..he stands for pure devotion, complete surrender and absence of ego or the lower self. He represents the lower or animal (neanderthal) nature in man, which when refined and transformed assumes miraculous powers and performs stupendous feats like Hanuman helping the lower self (Sita) and the Soul (Rama) to come together and become united and allows a firm foundation for the kingdom of God (Ramarajya) to become established in the body...


Hanuman is thus symbolically the mind principle ever absorbed in the contemplation of God and totally surrendered to Him...

As "Hanuman", he is the one without any doubt (anuman) as to the existence of Rama (God). As Anjaniputra, he is the one who comes accidentally into this world, but by his efforts ascends to the greater heights of spiritual evolution...

As Vayuputra he is the breath body in us and can help the lower self (Sita) that is lost to ignorance to reunite with its true companion, the inner soul (Rama). As Veeranjaneya, he is the source of courage and confidence for many a timid heart.As Bajarangbali, he is strong in both devotion and physical strength…

And In the meantime I receive a gift of a cute little Hanuman idol from my sister..Wondering why of all deities she chose Hanuman for me  

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