Sunday, September 15, 2013

The Wisdom of Kali

As I meditate on my Mooladhara Chakra.. the Root Chakra..gently breathing into the base of my spine.. the vision of Kali’s face suddenly looms up..Red tongue..big eyes.. but it is Kali with a difference…no anger..the face is peaceful ..the eyes are serene..they look at me..they radiate compassion and peace.. the eyes of a mother..the Kundalini Mother..

My first vision of her benign form..I wonder what she brings..What wisdom does she awaken..I ponder and I search..

“..In Tantra the goddess or female force Shakti is worshipped. Shakti is the power of the Kundalini energy dormant in the Muladhara chakra.

When Kundalini awakens, we start to experience all the many aspects of the goddess as we go through a spiritual rebirth. These aspects are represented by the ten mahavidyas (ten wisdom goddesses). As we experience each of the manifestations of the wisdom goddess, we receive the lessons associated with that goddess as we approach self-realisation. One of the aspects to be experienced is the goddess Kali.

Kali in Sanskrit means time. In time everything changes, grows and develops and goes beyond time itself. Time is a conscious energy and could be described as a womb giving it a female connotation. We look back in time and see how we have changed and how we have no control on the birth, decay and death cycle, and we look forward which is inevitable. Time is precious, yet we lose it and we become attached causing suffering and grasping…Kali teaches us to give up our attachment and help us develop mastery over time.

Time is both creation and destruction. In order to create, we must destroy in order to make space for the new, which means we must first let go of the old, releasing our attachment to material nature and go beyond earthly bondage. In order to be delivered beyond our suffering we must relinquish ego and surrender it to Kali.


 Kali is the goddess of destruction and she destroys everything in her path except Shiva himself. Through our own life force (life force being prana, prana is delivered throughout the body in the blood) we experience time, and Kali is also represented as Prana, the divine mother of our life who gives us the vital energy and power for our bodily system. As such, Kali is associated with blood and is often depicted drinking the blood of all beings representing life digesting and renewing itself. Time is responsible for our death and decay, and that which has no real substance, meaning that Kali is also death in that she is the doorway to the eternal.

By meditating on Kali, you are meditating on the rhythms of life; death to life, life to death and beyond. Worries, anxieties, separateness and attachments will die daily if you meditate on Kali.
Kali also relates to the air element, Vayu as she is mobile, subtle and transformative. She is the lightening that transforms quickly, unpredictably and radically. Her perception of truth is like lightening, dissolving illusion. In our body, air exists as prana hence her pranic association..."

Love and Light..

Friday, September 6, 2013

The Rebirthing..

14th August..another of my lucid dreams..

I am about to birth..Its the grand finale…of some kind of a waiting period..Something spectacular is about to be born !!!

There are two persons with me..Should be doctors but they don’t look like doctors exactly  They seem to be on top of the world..They look at each other..Its coming !!! Something that they have been waiting for..Then they leave to fetch something..

I am a mixture of awe,excitement and nervousness..
What is coming ??? I am perplexed myself..But otherwise I look quite all right..

And then people start streaming or two I recognize but most of them are strangers..They look happy..perhaps surprised as well..they come to see me..The news is spreading and they keep coming..its like my entire soul family is descending !! I hug one or two of them..I say sorry to one of them..perhaps for something from the past..

And the moment draws near..and so does the awe and emotion..

At that point I am awake..Wondering what was I giving birth to..What creative processes of Emergence had I tapped into..

A New aspect of myself??
Intelligence or creativity I didn't realize I could summon up??
Fruition of a project or idea??
Manifestation of an opportunity??
Letting go of the past ??
A New beginning or experience ??
Clearing and Completing ??
Transforming and Transmuting ??

Whatever it was.. ..I know NOW is the time..The fruit is ripe..It is simply the right time ..I know I need to relax right where I am..and allow all of it to my my everyday life experiences..I must remain connected to my inner inspiration and creativity.. my emotions and my intuitive wisdom..happy..whole and complete..and allow all of it to simply flow through me..

Allowing..simply allowing..and remembering all the while that..


Love and Light :)