Saturday, December 24, 2011

Mahashakti..The Feminine Principle..

The Cosmic Man..Shiva..Kaameswar..The Cosmic Woman..Shakti..Kaameswari..Purush and Prakriti..Parameswar and Parameswari..Bhairav and Bhairavi..Mahakaal and Mahakaali..Magical..bipolar..Magnetic energies..Their cosmic union..pure Ananda..bliss..ecstasy..the goal of a Yogi's Sadhana..

Shakti..She is the Universal mother..the Jagatyoni..the Universal Womb..the Sacred space encompassing the universe..She is Mahamaya..she unfolds the Cosmic Leela...the cycle of birth..nourishment..death and rebirth..She is the power behind Shiva's lingam..the spiralling energy vortex..pushing the inner yogic ascent..

Shakti..She is the divine Kundalini energy..the Vidyut a snake she uncoils from her Kundal at the base of the spine..she pierces through the Chakras..she awakens their hidden powers..the Siddhidaatri..granter of mystical powers..She is the Vajra Shakti..the lightning force..she blazes..she burns..she purifies..she cleanses..she heals..

Shakti..She is MahaSundari...the Seed of all creative desire..she wields Aakarshan and Sammohan..she attracts..she magnetizes..her creative juices flow as Soma..she provides an inner Rasa.. a divine Ananda..She is Rajarajeshwari..the supreme ruler of the universe..She awakens..she transforms..she heals..

Shakti..She embodies the ten Mahavidyas..the ten cosmic powers..the ten inner wisdoms..She connects..she guides..she loves..she supports..she nurtures..she cares..She includes..she conserves..she cooperates..she maintains..she creates..She receives..she flows..she meanders..She surrenders..and she mingles...

The Divine Feminine..Yug Shakti..The Power to create a New World Age..She heralds the Planet's  journey to Spiritual Ascension..And the end of.. Competition..aggression..hierarchy..expansion..linear thinking..Masculine principles...belonging to the past..She  sustains the spiritual energies of the it stands on the brink of  a thunderbolt..She opens the gates of the 5th world..the Age of Light..Truth..Dharma..Sattva..

Let the Divine Feminine..the Mahashakti..Ma Tara..Ma Kaali..Mahishasurmardini..the all her infinite forms.. deliver all to enlightenment..