Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The 2012 Gateway..The Dawn of the 5th World...

Mystery of 2012..Ascension..Golden Era..New Age..The Last days of the 4th World..The appearance of the Rainbow Warriors..The 9th and final wave of the Mayan Calendar..The Blue Star Kachina Prophecy ???

                              The Blue Star Kachina..A Hopi Prophecy

Earth's resonant frequency (Schumann Resonance).. shifting from 8.6 Hz to 13 Hz in the Fibonacci scale...Earth's heart beat steadily increasing..magnetic scale decreasing..poles shifting..spin decreasing..time speeding up..Sun entering into the high energy Photon belt..Earth fast approaching its mutation..mutation into a body of light...a higher vibratory dimension..a heightened level of consciousness..from gross to fine..

We need to ascend..raise our own vibrational frequencies..our own energies and consciousness.. to be in synch with such changes..Humanity needs to begin its mutation..into a higher vibratory dimension..We need to heal..heal at all levels..physical..mental..emotional..spiritual..

2012 and after..Galactic alignments will deliver a beam of light..diamond vibration energy..if we calibrate ourselves..if we are in harmonic resonance with this energy..we ascend to a higher dimension..Otherwise we exit or stay back..for the next opportunity..Complete filtering of high and low frequencies..Energies are the masters..They decide..They say that energy will flow like a river..If you catch the boat you go with the flow..You cannot look back..You cannot even wait for your loved ones..They will be given another chance..

The vibrations are already being felt..The symptoms already there..unexplained headaches..loss of memory..joint pains..waking up between 2-4 a.m..Pineal gland..the transmitter and receptor of high vibratory signals becoming crystalline..flu like symptoms..weight gain...

The Answer..

Spiritualizing ourselves..Spiritualizing the Planet.. by 2012..
2012 is the gateway..the Portal to the New Age..We need to aware..Assistance is already there..Higher guidance..Role models..Mature souls walking on the planet..Spreading practices..therapies..Teachers and Masters..Reiki..Meditation..Yoga..Breath..Holistic healing tools..all pull out our dense energies.. and raise our vibrational frequencies..

Purity of mind..body and thought..the need of the hour..The highest of the highest healing and blessing light is now never help us ascend..ascend to a higher vibratory dimension..into pure and beautiful beings of light..We only need to open..our hearts and go with the flow..
              The Rainbow Warrior Prophecy...Ancient Native Americans

Monday, November 21, 2011

Lessons from the Shamans

Blue Thunder (Bennie) and White feather(Kristine)..twin flames..Shamans from Life Research Academy..Hyderabad.

Breathing..Singing..Dancing..Healing with Nature..

 "Earth my body..Water my blood..
 Air my breath..Fire my spirit.."

We are one with nature..we create nature with our thoughts..what we think and do imprints upon these elements and replays itself..

The world was put together in a sacred within circle..this is deharmonized by humanity and its destructive actions..It is important to reactivate the sacred geometry to be in harmonic resonance with the higher energies..

And how do the Shamans do this..Through powerful intentional use of directed thought and actions..through sacred sounds and vibrations.. and ceremonies.. that shape-shift the environmental elements of the Earth, Wind, Fire and the Web of Life..healing Mother nature..

Healing water..with sound..7 times..The water in the glass shakes..charged with energy..I drink the water..Blue Thunder's dowsing rod  spins on top of my head..both clockwise and anti clockwise..My aura is energized..

Shimmering energy.. with hands..clearing the aura..energizing the body and mind..They tell me that my masculine and feminine energies are balanced..and healing..I'm happy..The clairvoyant eyes of White feather then detect something..You''ll be building up your masculine energies dear..she says..I'm slightly alarmed..Its perfectly fine.. she says..Don't you want to be a powerful woman? I'm relieved ..

White Feather turns my Buddha locket into a pendulum..The pendulum clear the energies of the room..It shows yes..It shows no..Where is Dr Newton?..It swings beautifully in his direction..Amazing..

Psychometry..Each one puts one of his personal belongings in a basket..Each one then picks up one of these items randomly from the basket.. Holding the items in our hands..we work on any psychic impression which flows from the item..I get a beautiful stone chain with a locket..Extraordinary energy exudes from it..My hands throb..with strong warm vibrations..I see horizontal beams of light from my third eye..I tell the audience that it belongs to a very strong healer with powerful energies..It turns out to be Blue Thunder's..

Violet flame Meditation..Magenta light coming from Mother earth into the heart..Blue light..father's energy flowing from top..Both energies unite..into a violet flame in the heart..Peace, harmony and bliss..

The Crystal grid..and Rose petals..A powerful vortex of energy..above the grid..The energy hits me..I feel the throbbing in my hands..and my throat..We leave our prayers..loud and clear..So be it..they say..the grid and the vortex stay overnight..Our prayers all over the universe..

Reuniting aspects of the self..our own fragments all over the reality matrix..having different experiences..bringing that knowledge back to us..A powerful meditation..I thought my heart would burst..My throat choked..Close encounter with an aspect of my own..

And their Prophecies for 2012...To be continued..