Friday, November 11, 2016

Holistic Healing & Wellness at Tejaswini..

Ancient Indian Spiritual Tools

Shiv-Shakti Practices
-Shiv Yog Kriyas: Improving Health & life issues,spiritual growth
- Mantra Sadhanas : Removing obstacles, Abundance,Success,
-Soorya Yog: Spiritual Awakening, Vitality & Success
-Kriya Yog : Quick Spiritual evolution & Ascension
Heath & Wellness
-Sanjeevani ,Shambhavi & Om Healings : Healing physical and psychological issues
-Navgraha Healing : Healing astrological influence of planets
-Chakra Work : Cleansing energy centres & clearing life blocks
-Panch Kosha & Panch Prana Work:Optimizing/Balancing flow of life force energy
-Nadi Shuddhi & other Kriyas: Cleansing energy blocks & improving Mind-Body health
New Age Spiritual Tools
Spiritual Solutions
-Tarot & Crystal Dowsing: Reading energy around life issues and guidance
-Past Life Regression & Hypnotherapy : Understanding root cause of life issues & transformation
-Emotional & Relationship Healing : Settling Emotions & Improving relationships
-Space Consecration : Correcting energy of homes & other spaces
Health & Wellness
-Reiki & Karunaki Healing & Initiations: Healing physical psychological & other life issues
-Breathwork : Unleashing deep inner healing energy for clearing life blocks
-Inner Child Work-Understanding, embracing & transforming deep inner pains & fears
-Tonglen & Mindfulness Practices: Compassion, Love,Healing Pain, Mind Training

Monday, March 23, 2015

Reverence for Women in the Tantras..

Seated on the peak of Mount Kailasa, the God of Gods, the Guru of all Creation, was questioned by Durga-Of-The-Smiling-Face, Naganandini.

Sixty-four Tantras have been created, O Lord. Tell me, Ocean of Compassion, about the foremost of these.

Mahadeva said —Listen, Dearest Parvati, to this very secret one. You have wanted to hear this 10,000,000 times. O Beautious One, it is because of your feminine nature that you continually ask me.

Listen closely, Naganandini! Hari, Hara and Brahma—the Gods of Creation, Maintenance and Destruction—all originate in the Yoni.

 I am Mrityunjaya, beloved of you O Devi. O Surasundari, I always worship Durga in my heart lotus. This liberates the mind from distinctions such as Divya and Vira. O Lady Goddess, worshipping in this way Liberation is placed within a person's grasp... 

The Kaulas regarded women Gurus very highly, and there are many examples of Yoginis or female Tantriks. 

In the Yoni Tantra, Chapter 7 we find:

Women are jewels, women are life, women are, truly, jewels.

This sentence is echoed in many other Tantras such as Shakti Samgama Tantra, Devirahasya and elsewhere. A woman is the Goddess:

One should worship carefully a woman or a maiden, as she is Shakti, sheltered by the Kulas. One should never speak harshly to maidens or women. 
(KIN Ch.23)

In Kaula every woman is thought of as a manifestation of the Goddess. No man may raise his hand, strike or threaten a woman.  She has equal rights with men on all levels. 
('Occult World of a Tantrik Gum', Dadaji in Values Vol.IX)

In both Kulachudamani Tantra (Azoth Magazine nos. 20-24) and the Brihad Nila Tantra the Kaula is instructed to recite a mantra inwardly whenever he sees a woman.

Women are heaven; women are Dharma; and women are the highest penance. 
Women are Buddha; women are the Sangha; and women are the perfection of Wisdom. 
('Chandamaharoshana' Ch.8 v. 30)

Sunday, March 22, 2015

The Spiritual Marriage..

In 1872 Sarada Devi paid her first visit to her husband at Dakshineswar. Four years earlier she had seen him at Kamarpukur and had tasted the bliss of his divine company. Since then she had become even more gentle, tender, introspective, serious, and unselfish. She had heard many rumours about her husband's insanity. People had shown her pity in her misfortune. The more she thought, the more she felt that her duty was to be with him, giving him, in whatever measure she could, a wife's devoted service.

She was now eighteen years old. Accompanied by her father, she arrived at Dakshineswar, having come on foot the distance of eighty miles. She had had an attack of fever on the way. When she arrived at the temple garden the Master said sorrowfully: "Ah! You have come too late. My Mathur is no longer here to look after you." Mathur had passed away the previous year.

The Master took up the duty of instructing his young wife, and this included everything from housekeeping to the Knowledge of Brahman. He taught her how to trim a lamp, how to behave toward people according to their differing temperaments, and how to conduct herself before visitors. He instructed her in the mysteries of spiritual life — prayer, meditation, japa, deep contemplation, and samadhi. The first lesson that Sarada Devi received was: "God is everybody's Beloved, just as the moon is dear to every child. Everyone has the same right to pray to Him. Out of His grace He reveals Himself to all who call upon Him. You too will see Him if you but pray to Him."

Totapuri, coming to know of the Master's marriage, had once remarked: "What does it matter? He alone is firmly established in the Knowledge of Brahman who can adhere to his spirit of discrimination and renunciation even while living with his wife. He alone has attained the supreme illumination who can look on man and woman alike as Brahman. A man with the idea of sex may be a good aspirant, but he is still far from the goal."

Sri Ramakrishna and his wife lived together at Dakshineswar, but their minds always soared above the worldly plane. A few months after Sarada Devi's arrival Sri Ramakrishna arranged, on an auspicious day, a special worship of Kali, the Divine Mother. Instead of an image of the Deity, he placed on the seat the living image, Sarada Devi herself. The worshipper and the worshipped went into deep samadhi and in the transcendental plane their souls were united. After several hours Sri Ramakrishna came down again to the relative plane, sang a hymn to the Great Goddess, and surrendered, at the feet of the living image, himself, his rosary, and the fruit of his life-long sadhana. This is known in Tantra as the Shorasi Puja, the "Adoration of Woman".

Sri Ramakrishna realized the significance of the great statement of the Upanishad: "O Lord, Thou art the woman. Thou art the man; Thou art the boy. Thou art the girl; Thou art the old, tottering on their crutches. Thou pervadest the universe in its multiple forms."

By his marriage Sri Ramakrishna admitted the great value of marriage in man's spiritual evolution, and by adhering to his monastic vows he demonstrated the imperative necessity of self-control, purity, and continence, in the realization of God. By bis unique spiritual relationship with his wife he proved that husband and wife can live together as spiritual companions. Thus his life is a synthesis of the ways of life of the householder and the monk.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The Tipping Point..

The Tipping Point..
Why am I living on the Edge ?
Why am I ticking like a time bomb?
What major transformational event am I foreseeing ?
What exactly is this Tipping Point ?
And why it is taking so long to tip over?
These are are some of the questions I posed to Judy Satori a renowned Healer and Channeller who channels Ascended Masters, Light Beings, Galactic Masters, Extra Terrestrials and all major Star Races like the Hathors, the Arcturians and Sirians. Judy channels messages from these entities in what she calls the Language of Light-a strange language which is actually the coding sequence of Sound and Light transmitted through her voice, hands and eyes as the conduit.(www.
The Energy transmissions penetrate the cellular template and are designed to prepare all for a spiritual, physical and consciousness upgrade, to begin to activate previously dormant human DNA potential. She was recently told by her Guides to spread her work in India .In the course of her travels in India she channeled live on Thursday before a 150 large audience at Dr Newton’s Life Research Academy/Association of Regression and Reincarnation Research in Hyderabad.
Every information that she spoke including the answers to questions she addressed was channelled.Some clairyvoyant people in the audience saw her with an expanded rainbow aura which extended beyond the height of the room.She was throughout surrounded by beautiful Light Beings-The Golden Tara..The Egyptian Goddess Isis and many others who were guiding the healing/activation and Q&A sessions.Through the Language of the Light she worked on the Root Chakra,the Third Eye,the Sushumna,the Heart,the Core Soul,the Outer Aura,DNA activation and Karma Cleansing.She channelled information on Twin Flames,Soul Mate Meetings,Ascension Symptoms, Extra terrestrials,Earth’s galactic history and predicted full governmental Disclosure and contact with Star Beings in the next 2-3 years.
As she answered my questions..I saw her aura perceptibly change to a shining golden..She told me that we are in deep transition time..I was intuitively sensing the energetic shift and changes that are and about to take place in our planet..Hence the tipping point..As Star Portals are opening up more and more energies are pouring into the earth..the earth has already shifted to the faster pulsating vibration of the 5th dimension..human beings are also being upgraded and lot of us have chosen to be the Ground be conduits..holders..anchors and gateways for the new energies..Time has come for this to occur as part of the Divine plan for the Earth and the galaxy…She asked me whether I experienced anxiety or fear about my situation or it is something that I live with all the time..I told her I don’t care if I tip over..i live with it all the time..
She proceeded to tell me of my ancient lives in Atlantis..lives whose subconscious memories were playing in my current life and adding to the undercurrent I was experiencing..She confirmed a n intuition that that I already had about myself but on which I never really invested much thought...Atlantis is known to most as a possible lost continent, said to have vanished somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean more than 11000 years ago... It was first mentioned in a historical text by Plato as an ancient, now-submerged, highly spiritually and technologically evolved civilization which had ships and aircraft powered by a mysterious form of energy crystal..
Many believe that amongst the Atlanteans were magicians of sorts, psychics, scientists and people who could harness the immense healing power of mother earth‘s crystals..Atlantis was devastated by volcanic eruptions and tsunamis and in 4 days of cataclysm and trauma the once beautiful civilization disappeared under the sea.. Only, what happened within 4 days in Atlantis, is now spread out over years for Atlanteans who now walk the planet... While the collective memory is not detailing the time..time does not exist in our memory… but the feel and subconscious cellular memories of the events do..
My dreams over the last 2 years have been laced with these unbelievable imprints from this strange past..dreams which have at times driven me crazy..beautiful Crystal cities under the sea..exquisite Greece like buildings..sophisticated healing chambers with equipments which I have never heard of or seen..Monitors through which Ascended Masters direct the healings..Strange body wraps for quick healings.. Healing crystals..Teleportation chambers where I am taught to teleport..a reproductive technology of implantation ..I go through an implantation..and aircrafts..disc shaped ..flying saucers ..some of them shaped like huge birds..I see them swarm the skies..Sea creatures..and of course Water..Water in all its myriad forms...Tsunamis and complete destruction and submergence of land by water..
Atlantis represents the unfathomable energy that we have at our disposal within.. and with out..Do not be afraid of the power that is within you,..and the reflection of your capabilities that is outside of you...Destruction happens when we lose awareness - and awareness is engaged when embarking on the path of Love and Light..

Thank you Judy for the gentle reminder…♥
Love and lIght..

When Soul Mates Cross..

When Soul Mates cross her..
She is becoming more and more clairsentient..she feels..she senses..She listens to that soft little inner voice..She is ready to defy logic and all that is of the left brain..Her dream downloads show her the way..
The universe sends her signs and symbols..she is receptive..
She is excited with synchronistic encounters..she knows they are she wants to hug them..hold them.. and keep them close.. Her guides..her mates..her friends..her lovers..her teachers..She is dying to tell them..Hey look into my we meet again..
But she has to be patient..she knows that there is a baggage..
The energies of the past..old fears…unresolved pains..incompletions...Betrayals..hurts..energetic conditioning..She is dying for completion.. for wrapping up all that was left undone..
But she cannot hurry..there are lessons to be learnt..old patterns to be broken..She has to tread carefully..they may not be ready yet..the pattern must not repeat..She feels the pain..the heart hurts..the throat can be excruciating at times..
But she is learning to accept, acknowledge and deal with her pain..She works energetically..She quietly channels all the love that flows in her heart..She prays for the highest good and healing of her soul mate connection..
Her pain does not shut her down..It keeps her soft and vulnerable..Yet she stands powerful in her pain..and deeply spiritual..This pain is what moves her to do her work in the world…She embraces her lessons..Sacredly and silently..
She is on her way..

Love and Light..

Shiva..The Aghori..

Shiva..The Aghori..
Shiva...Mahadev...Kaal Bhairav...Mahakaal...Mahamrityunjay...The Aghori..
Shiva..The Outlaw..The Baghi...The Rebel..The Ascetic Warrior ..The Fearless ..the Lord of Terror..
His matted hair, the Bhabhoot on the forehead, the Trishul and the Dumroo in his hands..the skull on his head..the Ganga in his hairdo..Snakes crawling over his arms and legs..His third eye blazing with wild fire..He dances the Cosmic Dance of Death and Destruction..He stirs cyclones and tsunamis..holocausts and thunderstorms..torrents and floods..the Galaxies throb and vibrate with His Rudra Taandav..
Annhiliation..Dissolution..Transformation and Recreation..Letting go of the old..Activating the new..Cutting off material attachments..Surrendering the Ahamkara..clearing space for the new..Rebirth..Renewal and Regeneration…
By meditating on Shiva one meditates on the rhythms of life.. Death to life..Life to death and beyond…
Inviting and Invoking the Energies of the Aghor Purusha..
Ghor means Darkness and Aghor is the absence of darkness..the Light..
Om Trayambakam Yajamahe,
Sugandhim Pushtivardhanam;
Urva Rukamiva Bandhanaan,
Mrityor Mokshiye Maamritat.
(Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra)
Om.. We worship the Three-eyed Lord who is fragrant and who nourishes and nurtures all beings...
As is the ripened cucumber freed from its bondage to the creeper..
May He liberate us from death for the sake of immortality…

Om Namah Shivay..